Merry Christmas! in 2018

This post is about the so-called War on Christmas and its apparent resolution in 2018. This is what has been said about it but I can only agree in the most limited sense, as hopefully the rest of this post will make clear. I live in Canada so my information about the States is second-hand but there's a saying here that when the US sneezes, Canada catches a cold. I believe this saying is true and it is certainly true in this instance. My experience working a retail meat counter over the Christmas season in 2018 is that something has really changed. Whereas in past years people were hesitant to say Merry Christmas, this year everyone is saying it and with a certain relish: people are delighting in the freedom they feel to say something that after all is quite ordinary and traditional: Merry Christmas! Canada is a very PC (politically correct) country. People are very afraid to say anything that might be socially incorrect. Views that challenge the dominant public narrative are...